Have your say on proposed change to vocational licences

Today (11 April) the Department for Transport (DfT) is launching a consultation on amendments to Licensing Restrictions: Bus, Coach and Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs).

The consultation is part of DfTs ongoing work to help reduce the bus, coach and HGV driver shortage.

You can read and respond to the consultation on GOV.UK.

The main asks within the consultation are to:

  • remove the 50km restriction on regular services for 18 to 20 year old bus and coach drivers
  • allow a person to be able to undertake the off-road and theory tests, required to be passed to gain a bus or coach driver’s licence and gain their Driver Certificate of Professional Competence (DCPC), whilst in the process of being granted a provisional bus or coach driver entitlement

The consultation is open until 11:59pm on 5 June. We would encourage you to respond to the consultation using the link above.

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